Sorry, I should've expanded that it's quite likely it's an ordering problem: I did step through the post processor and confirmed it doesn't get to our `@Configuration`. In our case,...
Perhaps Spring Cloud AWS 3.0 could just be an upgrade to SDK v2 in order to knock that out sooner rather than later? We're starting to hit issues like SSO...
I relaunched yesterday and started getting tls certificate errors with 22.04. I haven't had a chance to investigate deeply, but pinning to an earlier AMI worked: ``` runner_ami_filter = {...
We're using multi-module without generating intermediate jar artifacts. We build containers and just let reactor pull in the referenced module dependencies instead of building jars we'd throw away. Maybe we're...
This is a big pain point for us. Migrating to v2 is non-trivial, so we're stuck with nasty work-arounds to use SSO.
@debora-ito Thank you, that actually worked pretty well, even with Spring Cloud AWS. :)
I just encountered the same problem with `ami-06bbbd4e89b66f400`, which has worked for 6+ months. It seems to be resolved again with allowing this to pull a newer image: ``` runner_ami_filter...
> I'm not sure I follow - as far as I'm aware if a container throws at startup, the app won't start up. So with the change you're proposing I...