nishan (o^▽^o)

Results 52 comments of nishan (o^▽^o)

I think debugging these on app start might reveal the issue.

Looks related -

looks like the signature requests are not dependent on deeplinks. Maybe something's wrong with initializing listener? 🤔

A related issue so sharing my findings here, wallet stops responding to the signature requests after a while (maybe 1-2 days of connection or sometimes sooner). I am trying to...

It works seamlessly after disconnecting and connecting. Also, it establishes a new socket connection. It appears to me that either WalletConnect or wallet kills the session but the state is...

message from pedro. Exciting that it seems to be reliable on v2. In the meantime, can we work on some acknowledgment from the wallet in the above scenario?

@lauriharpf I tried your changes. It works in version 6! Thank you. I faced one issue while testing in version 6. It clears all the decorators in the initial load...

@dannyhw thanks for quick response. I think [this line]( clears the decorators. I am using a ThemeProvider as a decorator as shown below. ```jsx export const decorators = [ Story...

Same issue. I am guessing most of the issues are happening due to using [older walletconnect client]( in metamask (1.5.1). Lots of releases have [been made]( I can see @gantunesr...

Created a PR in pager view. I think it should fix this issue since it uses pager-view under the hood. Can someone please verify?