InstaMed Development
InstaMed Development
Can you please provide information about your environment? Include the nodejs version used
Hi @MicahMTurner. Did you get any errors from the previous steps of the prerequisites?
Hi @MicahMTurner that error seems to indicate that the necessary tools from the Hyperledger repo were not successfully downloaded. To discard an error with directory permissions can you check the...
Ok. However, if you managed to download the images then docker should not be an issue anymore. The new error `/home/blockchain/hyperledger-fabric-network/fabric-binaries/1.4.0/ is empty` is another network issue. There should be...
Can you run the binaries script? If there's a network issue, it should show it.
If something broke before (during installation) npm install won't work. Is that the whole log when running the binaries script?