Karthikeya Udupa

Results 10 issues of Karthikeya Udupa

When the construct type is a `class` the user should be able to request for an `init` function for the class that takes all the attributes declared in the class...


Build and zip the dmg for each release automatically Remove release notes section from readme.


- Move CI from travis to github - Actions validating swiftlint and swiftformat - Action validating tests - Actions validating commit messages - Add these as required to pass for...


The CLI version of the app is not so frequently used, either it needs to be removed or the broken parts need to be fixed.


Allow the app to be installed on homebrew by anyone


[Sparkle](https://sparkle-project.org/) is a software update framework for macOS applications. Integrating this would allow releases on the project to be automatically delivered to users.


Load GraphQL schema file instead of a JSON but lead to the same result.
