Enzo Innocenzi

Results 30 issues of Enzo Innocenzi

Right now, resizing with the stencil works well for the top-left, top-right and bottom-left corner, but for some reason the bottom-right corner behaves differently. The resizing seems to be exponential?...


Either via a tool in the toolbar, or via the stencil. It wasn't native to `vue-advanced-cropper` so I didn't implement it right away.


Allow to toggle fitting constraints


- [ ] Add blog meta on blog page - [ ] Correct article meta on article pages - [ ] Use schema.org everywhere - [x] Reduce JS bundle -...


A section with a listing of some of my favorite projects, such as `use-preset` or `tailwindcss-theming`.


**Plugin version** I'm using the latest version (commit hash 8cb54dbc2f14387758d0bbf979921c7c6eb19ad6), and Godot 3.1.1. I started using the plugin from the asset library but it wasn't working, so I updated from...

Godot issue

Currently, this: ```js setVariable('input', '#d2d6dc', 'borderColor') ``` will generate an `--input` variable by default. If no prefix is given, it should be infered from the `path`, `borderColor` in this case,...
