Enzo Innocenzi

Results 74 comments of Enzo Innocenzi

> It's a necessary feature if we want to implement modals and such Why is that? Can the implementation be simplified using Laravel's `Arr::dot` and `Arr::undot`?

Yes, please, please. I've been using this keyboard for months and I have disabled the crown because the overlay pisses me off so much. The whole point of this keyboard...

Oh, wow. I'll try this. Thank you!

Can confirm it won't work. Overlay is indeed disabled, but the crown malfunctions.

Looks like he managed to disable the overlay without breaking the crown, but I couldn't find how.

That extension looks very useful for VSC + Tailwind CSS users, but it no longer seems to be in "active" development. Let's wait a few days and see.

@joshmanders very valid concerns, but I think the extension could be particularly useful for working with Tailwind CSS, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was developed with that in...

Hey, what variants do you need? I'd be up to add support for that, I'm just not sure which ones you'd want.

I'm not sure to follow, I'm afraid. Can you describe exactly the feature, with an example?

Well these variants are [bound to an actual logic](https://github.com/innocenzi/tailwindcss-theming/blob/master/src/plugins/schemeVariants.ts#L43) based on the `prefers-color-scheme` media query, so I'm not exactly sure what I could add there. I think you might be...