[2017-03-18 12:28:56.408] [ERROR] console - Option path is not valid. Please refer to the README. [2017-03-18 12:28:56.408] [ERROR] console - Option close timeout is not valid. Please refer to the...
iOS11 support?
i can't find such api,how??
这个登录后,关闭网络,检测到断开,打开网络,再去new PomeloClient 然后连接服务器 服务器必然出现错误。 [connector-server-1] getSession session is created with session id: 5 [connector-server-1] handleMessage session id: 5, msg: {"id":10001,"type":0,"compressRoute":1,"route":"gate.gateHandler.reqConnect","body":{},"compressGzip":0} fail to forward message:TypeError: Cannot read property 'forwardMessage' of undefined...