Sam Artioli
Sam Artioli
It's a step in the right direction, but we still seem to be getting penalized for have an angular prerendered app. LCP is now good after the hydration at about...
@mgechev That makes sense... the problem/advantage is we have a lot of functionality in the app so after initial load everything is near instantaneous, whereas before every page was a...
Did I miss the release?
cool. Makes sense. I can take a stab at it, but it might be a week or so before I get a free cycle.
It seems like renderSync could be run in the browser, if it relied solely on a custom importer to resolve all the file paths, used with a giant map of...
I've gotten this to work as described above. In my package.json ```json "imports": { "#app/*": "./dist/app/*", "#lib/*": "./dist/lib/*", "#src/*": "./dist/*" }, ``` then using `node --es-module-specifier-resolution=node` after compilation. Where I...
Ha! I was banging my head against the monitor for a good hour earlier before I wrote that post. 5 minutes after trying to respond to your question I found...
> @initplatform I'm not sure you'll need the `index` either, as I'm pretty sure directory imports are part of `--es-module-specifier-resolution=node` I believe that's an annoyance with typescript. For whatever reason,...