I've added all Exports described in my Manifest.MF (I'am runnning Java 11 efxclipse Application) Bu im Getting this Error (see below) and i don't know whats the Reason and ""...
Hello, i get this error with vaadin 23.2.6 on frontend-build: 2022-10-25 18:22:29.452 INFO 40244 --- [v-server-output] c.v.b.devserver.DevServerOutputTracker : Error: Build failed with 14 errors: 2022-10-25 18:22:29.452 INFO 40244 --- [v-server-output]...
I have a Problem with a war-file that i want to convert to a Bundle. In this war-file is a swf included. I want to keep this file in the...
If you want to reuse Actions like ZoomInAction, DeleteAction, SelectAllAction from gef.mvc.fx.ui you need to have dependencies to JFace and SWT. This is very ugly in case of a want...
This Change migrates the JAXB-Implementation to Jakarta Java 17 namespace.