Thomas Stocker

Results 18 issues of Thomas Stocker

#### Description When there is a svg document with a doctype, the parsing of the svg file is very slow because the doctype is loaded and parsed. Even if this...


### :sparkles: What kind of change does this PR introduce? (Bug fix, feature, docs update...) added net5.0-windows target and Sample ### :arrow_heading_down: What is the current behavior? not possibility to...

In this pullrequest i enhance the ShapefiletilingSample so that it displays the same data as the ShipeFileSample. Doing that I already discovered a concurrency bugs and other rendering bugs, I'll...

Some more Error Catching

Is there Interest in MAUI Support. (Pull Request with different Project File but Same Code (with Conditional Compiles)). The new nuget would be Maui.DataGrid. (Nothing done yet only for asking...

Specify the RenderFormat in the IMapRenderer Interface

Trying to solve the Freezing of Mapsui, by making an ObservableMemoryLayer trying to fix This is a pull request that tries to use Again MemoryLayer as the Layer for...

For trying to fix Removing or improving locks