Graeme Wolfendale
Graeme Wolfendale
also possibly split image into quadtree of regions with similar fitness level for each region, launch a thread and evolve a better solution (give more processor time to less fit...
I would say that detail level is 1 / (the standard deviation of the colour values for the pixels within a region). The unions are still a problem..
Usage: ./Evolve [options] filename Polygon image evolver Options: -h, --help Displays this help. -v, --version Displays version information. -a, --accuracy Evolve until this accuracy is reached Arguments: filename Image file...
-c command line only (no gui)
A one-liner for lazy admins would be fuckin sweet..
Thank you kindly, I will take a look.. :)
Looks pretty neat, I'll give it a go and come back with comments etc....