> it's seems that an issue while installing the Android build tools (see Are you using the Android SDK that Bubblewrap offers to install for you or your own?...
> Yes, that is likely the issue. The path for utilities on the Android SDK can change between releases. Bubble wrap will installation a version that is known to work....
Hello @andreban: I found this: (where you had resolved a similar issue in the past), and consequently moved my Android CLI/SDK to a directory with a no-space path, and...
Dear @andreban: thanks for the swift response. Gladly. It's a lot of lines though: cli ERROR Command failed: E:\jdk8\bin\java.exe -Xmx1024M -Xss1m -jar E:\android_sdk\build-tools\30.0.3\lib\apksigner.jar sign --ks E:\xampp_2\htdocs\apps\zoomer\android.keystore --ks-key-alias june --ks-pass pass:trillionsdonland...
> Was your signing key generated via Bubblewrap init? It does look like the key is corrupted. I'd recommend regenerating the key via Bubblewrap init. Hello @andreban and thanks for...
Hello @andreban, I'm actually still using a jdk8 I downloaded directly. I'm letting Bubblewrap do the download for me as we speak, and I'll run the Bubblewrap build command again...
> Hello @andreban, I'm actually still using a jdk8 I downloaded directly. I'm letting Bubblewrap do the download for me as we speak, and I'll run the Bubblewrap build command...