I figured it out; I am posting here for others. It seems that in Mosquitto MQTT 2.0 you need to edit the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf file. If you go to the last...
I looked at the Zigbee2MQTT library and I was able to make the battery and the on/off work. The problem is that the ZHA quirk was set up on the...
Did you check the model of valve you have ? Does it work pushing the button ?
I just wanted to make sure is not a hardware issue. That the valve works when manually operated. Otherwise only idea is go to the logs for zha to try...
The issue was not resolved. I put the solution in #1622
If i was able to get more entities like start time. Any tips on how to. Make home assistant add, extra attributes. Its showing in device diagnostic but not on...
Does this one work with Marlin 2.1. I been trying to use this and it I can see the menus; but non of the icons are showing up. Printer :...