Silvan Mosberger

Results 111 comments of Silvan Mosberger

@wpcarro Regarding the `GTCredentialProvider failed to provide credentials` error, I got it because the server didn't have the phone's key in its authorized keys.

Check out for a potential alternative

What's the reason behind this? Also btw, I recently got it working to even fetch nixpkgs itself without any `fetchTarball` (or other eval-time fetchers): ```nix let fetched = import {...

Is this work still ongoing? Otherwise scyther will be removed from the nixpkgs package collection for now (see above PR)

@MartinEtcheverry It's the `task` configuration that needs `confirmation=no`. Set it like this: ``` $ task config confirmation no ``` Or add to ~/.taskrc: ``` confirmation=no ``` tasknc doesn't crash for...

That looks like, which should be fixed with

For reference, as /u/cahsix mentioned [here](, on macOS you should be able to reload the nix daemon with ``` sudo launchctl stop org.nixos.nix-daemon sudo launchctl start org.nixos.nix-daemon ```

@k4yt3x There's a mistake in your last command, the width should be 3840, not 1216

I guess combining filters with `cleanSourceWith` is like an AND statement, whereas this would add OR's, so the boolean logic equivalent is [Disjunctive normal form]( Maybe this can be a...

> > Once agreed on a general direction – merge first, bikeshed later. While there's some parts of my review which are bike-shedding, the thing about advertising `import` as a...