Indri Muska

Results 42 comments of Indri Muska

What about a specific directive that uses transclusion? Let's have a `checkbox-field`, its template is defined [here]( Maybe we can create a `custom-field` (with transclusion) that looks like this: ```...

Today I tried to create my first `transcluded-field` directive, starting from the guide in the [Creating a custom field]( section. The basic idea is very simple and easy to code,...

I mean that (transcluded) scope is restricted only to those variables you set in the `scope` option of the directive, and you can't use any other attribute of any parent...

Really beautiful and clean solution, but it has a little problem with the naming system. Doing this, you allow the user to override attributes required to perform a correct behavior...

I don't know, the more I try to use this solution, the more I found some little issues. Now the problem is the loss of two-way binding between `model.bindable` and...

Oh you're right, the problem was mine, your plunker seems to work well. Just another question: does your solution works even if there are 2 (or more) transcluded-field inside the...

I'm still here, I haven't forgot this issue. :smile: I am currently using a solution with 5 attributes, one of which is the `custom` attribute that I already wrote ([the...

Yes, I could try, but please be generous with me, I coded with typescript just one time! :smile:

Hi @freeman29, sorry for the late response. Can you please share an example showing this error? Thanks :)

@mja-maia are you able to provide a sample to reproduce this?