
Results 4 issues of Tiger.Chew

I first test use a xls file ,file is uploaded as a attachment. ` const workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook(); await workbook.xlsx.readFile(filePath); let worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0];` the worksheet is undefined ,...

每次微信启动以后,运行demo的程序,微信就直接奔溃了。 when wechat main process start,after run the demo ,wechat just quit,like the follow pic.anyone know how to fix?thanks.

Hi ,I use next js 14 app router ,When I set nodeIntegration to true in the createWindow method like below ,the useEffect method not trigger.if nodeIntegration set to false ,the...

the default created project using the page router,but I want to using the app router ,how can id do it? Is there an examerple for the next js app router?

good first issue