
Results 11 issues of imsamuka

I come to ask the creation of another markup tag that allow what can be called pre-processing. What I am thinking is a a tag `^run()` or `^text()` that does...

I changed the Messenger class to hold a internal class name. Every other class that uses the messenger (`Engine`, `Data`, `Lib` and `TrackerBase`), will instance the messenger class with their...

This is a very strange bug. When Gdk is loaded before Gtk, the program crashes with: ``` ImportError: Requiring namespace 'Gdk' version '3.0', but '4.0' is already loaded ``` This...

Re-implemented #54 on the `dev` branch. I'm sorry for not noticing the branch before... Also: * Removed the copy-pasted code, and pointed the `gompd` to it's current `master` branch. *...

I searched a way to do this but i couldn't. I may have missed it, since the derive docs and naming are very confusing, at least for me. What i...

Most of what is implemented here, was discussed before on #484, which will be closed if accepted. If there's any disagreement here, please read the discussion there before. On another...

I'm creating a Configuration panel, and I found myself a little stuck when creating a `Restore Default` button. See the snippet: ```rust gtk::Box { set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, #[name = "rest_spin_btn"] gtk::SpinButton...

Please, make so that the logger is configurable. Currently we are forced to accept the current default logger `loguro`... I would open a PR, but this is also dependent on...

I use dialoguer along with [bpaf]( to execute a REPL of commands in my program. The biggest issue right now is logging. When I need to `warn!` a user about...

I set the following into `~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf`: ``` input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket ``` This is equivalent to starting mpv with the `--input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket` cmd argument, but the server script doesn't indentify as such, and start...