> Hey @ims-swilkinson > > can you confirm if the request was to verify a pact by URL, to be fetched from a broker (with a view to verify, and...
@MdotMertens, you can make it work by calling `matchers.get_generated_values(event)`, this will return a "reified" version of `event` that you can pass into your handler.
Hi Bret, yes we would only ever want to attach a specific CQL Proxy instance or cluster to a specific target Astra database. I did suspect it would be complex...
Would Step Functions invocations of Lambda be a good candidate for this feature? I know the **map** state in distributed mode can do something similar if all of your items...
Yes it could work with a simple contract specifically for large payloads. But I understand how the lack of a contract for Step Functions invocation of Lambda is a problem...