
Results 4 issues of imrek

Hello, I need some hint on how you arrived at the following conclusion: `"At this point, you'll notice we reduced the orders needing fraud review from 1,000 to 40 (i.e.,...

This example code ``` paginator = Paginator(api.get, 'trends.listThreads', forum='disqus') for result in paginator: print result ``` throws the error mentioned in the title. Probably a little bit of update in...

On p. 178 your book provides an example of a jQuery plugin like this: ``` $.fn.yeller = function () { this.each(function (_, item) { $(item).val($(item).val().toUpperCase()); return this; }); } ```...

Hello, shouldn't the Tournament class actually have something like ` = [];`? Because when you run code likes this: ``` var tournament = new Tournament(); Event("Joust")); ``` the tournament...