Imran Sayed

Results 30 issues of Imran Sayed

- Upgrades from `gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental` to `gatsby-source-wordpress` - [Upgrades Gatsby from `v2 to v3`]( - Upgrades the npm packages to the latest one. - Upgrades the dependency WP plugins to the...

- Fix the chunk issue in development - [Conflicting order issue]( ![image]( Mini css extract plugin Issues - - - - You can check to see what...


Add Products page with pagination. ( url: `/products/` ). We need to discuss whether we would want to use JS solution for pagination or use for pagination as we...

Add Option to share - [ ] Single product - [ ] Single Article On social media like facebook, twitter

Add the storefront theme to WP Use the menu name( location ) registered by storefront theme in the frontend GraphQL query.

- [ ] Use Menu Queries to dynamically fetch WordPress Menus

This will list down product that belongs to that category - url: `/category/{category-slug}`

Add Storybook for Components

Add Yoast SEO and [wp-graphql-yoast-seo]( WordPress plugin. Please dont close this ticket until its added in the composer.json file.

Setup Docker and with WordPress Possible directory structure. ```shell /app => next.js /wp-content/themes/wp-decoupled-theme /wp-content/plugins/wp-decoupled-helper /conf/nginx.conf /tests/cypress /docs/ ``` To be discussed with @imranhsayed and @dhsathiya