Kevin Wu
Kevin Wu
Playing around with this library for fun. Running into an issue where the default renderer seems to produce images that have the text overflowed beyond their bounding boxes. Using a...
Based on the documentation, it seems like isort should be bundled into this plugin. However, when I run isort via "python.sortImports", I'm told that isort is not found. It works...
How hard would it be to add different display options to organize the final report? As of now it's organized by each function call, but it would be nice to...
Any chance there would be a way to specify a case insensitive filter when searching?
Curious if I'm missing a setting or a configuration detail. coc-tsserver works great for the most part, but when I create a new file I run into two issues: (1)...
Referencing #57. This still seems to have a problem inside a Docker container. I'm running a debian docker container with the polymer starter kit which uses the gulp-imagemin plugin. This...
It would be nice if we could support a help flag for each bake task. Currently, I created a helper shell script to handle this: ``` bake_task init "generate initial...