Stefan (Shalom)

Results 7 issues of Stefan (Shalom)

Currently, plugin replaces all strings in the design doc. Does it need a feature to replace only the strings on _this_ page, or the strings contained in _this_ node, or...

🧠 question

Today, the plugin looks for double curly brackets (`{{` and `}}`) around variables. Without these, it doesn't recognize a string as a variable. Do people already use double curly brackets...

🧠 question

I think I'd like a way to hand off *all* the copy applicable to a certain design in the design itself. For my use case, this is because not all...

🚀 enhancement

Add support for bold, italics, link. Should be simple enough with a regex on each string. I think support for basic markdown/HTML should work here. Plugin should strip the markup...

🚀 enhancement
kind of an epic 🤷‍♂️

See #22

🚀 enhancement

Related to #22

🚀 enhancement

The current workaround: Make sure you're in an open file. The solution: Probably block me from starting a recording when I don't have a file open.