Hello, Have you tried substituting a Winograd Layer in for the Convolution Layer in a CNN using SkimCaffe yet? I am doing a comparative study between the two types of...
Hi, thank you so much for your reply! Alright, I will try it with a small learning rate and let you know the results. My goal is as follows: Do...
Just a side note, I see that your paper already has results for this kind of comparative study, but I would like to get some of my own results and...
I tried to set the learning rate to what you mentioned in your paper (refer below), however I am still unsuccessful in getting results for Winograd convolutions. What else should...
Hello, could you please tell me how to get data for the winograd layer (above comment)? What parameters should I be setting differently to get some output (will try to...
Good Morning! Thanks for the reply. I am using DIGITS as the UI to train and build my network. Sorry for the lenet code provided in the first comment, please...
Hmm, I will look into another way of reproducing my results and get back to you. DIGITS is a basically a UI set up to train networks with Caffe. DIGITS...
I am using the MNIST Handwriting dataset for training and validation. Below is the link to it: Is that what you need? I am sorry if I misunderstood your...
Sure, thank you!
Hello, Thank you for your time! I used your comment above to try different parameters on my setup, and am able to get results with Winograd! Looks like the issue...