Pete Travis

Results 5 comments of Pete Travis

@bryantbiggs I like an in-cluster solution, not all environments are managed by CloudFormation. CRDs *could* be implemented with CloudFormation, or with something else. My thought here was a slightly different...

I can confirm @paullatzelsperger's observation: ``` $ curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"$ORG/$REPO/actions/secrets/public-key { "key_id": "REDACTED", "key": "ESPECIALLY_REDACTED" } $ curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer...

from what I can tell, concatenates the provided URL with the base URL and adds a separating `/`, but the base URL *ends* with a `/`. I imagine...

... no, sorry, if the `/` is implicitly injected one doesn't prepend the API urls with it. Time for more coffee...

As someone who is regularly encounters this issue, I am looking forward to moving workload to EKS where I can use priority classes. The scheduling calculation to ensure daemonset tasks...