Ivan Mikushin
Ivan Mikushin
It's a great product! I'd be glad to buy it on the AppStore and even throw in a yearly subscription to pay for continued maintenance (version upgrades) of this app....
This has been fixed for functions. Do other objects need a CLI facelift?
Yep, and Docker for Mac is [one of those](https://vmware.github.io/dispatch/documentation/guides/docker-for-mac)
How about we include an option to install the seed.yaml automatically?
I'd like to add some color to this. Compare [Helm](https://helm.sh) and [Carvel](https://carvel.dev) homepages. Helm states its purpose: "The package manager for Kubernetes". Without scrolling you'll also read: "Helm is the...
Yeah, I'd cut the new release if given committer access ;)
Try to use Jerkson from git master branch. For that you should use the following dependencies: "org.codehaus.jackson" % "jackson-core-asl" % "1.9.8", "org.codehaus.jackson" % "jackson-mapper-asl" % "1.9.8", "com.codahale" %% "jerkson" %...
Actually, this issue arises if the case classes are inner classes: in classes, objects or package objects. Move your case classes to the outer space :)
You could place it to your own repo. Here is mine (that's what I have in build.sbt): ``` scala resolvers += Resolver.url( "Local repository", url("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24364253/repo/local-IHRmxcxtp7/") )(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns) ```
Thinking of picking this up.