MapKit copied to clipboard
Adding a few useful features
Hey folks, figured I'd put in a PR with some features I've developed for my app at
The main additions/changes are:
- added a setMapData function which allows you to update the map with new options after it has been shown, to, say, change the lat/lon view or zoom level programatically
- changed how annotation images work so that if no image URL is specified, no image will be used instead of a default image
- added in the commented geoOnMapMove stuff, so callbacks are fired when the user pans/moves the map
- added a javascript callback when an annotation is selected or deselected, in case you want to take action right there, before the user clicks, say, the info button
This is iOS code -- I'll submit a PR for Android when I can (I've got it written, just have to port it over) if this is useful to you. Or if it's not, no worries, just let me know and I'll keep this stuff to myself.
Very useful. Thanks for sharing! These are key features that were needed.
Is there any way to detect click to the info box. So the user would click on the pin and it opens the info box but then I would like to detect if the user clicks again on the info box. Thanks
I'm sure there is. It's not a feature I use, so you'd have to build it yourself at this point. I think the original version can detect clicks on the "i" button, at least on ios.
Yes it does but it seems to have a bug with the index that is passed to the specified javascript function. Will try to fix that bug and maybe submit a pull request. Thanks
updated with android code for feature parity
Is there any way to change the pin to display a custom icon instead of a colored pin?
Could probably be added, depending on cross platform support. Not something I'm personally interested in, so if you want to add it, go ahead!
Anyway to show an image inside an info window?
I believe the original code allowed for an icon in the little flag that pops out from a pin when clicked. My updates I believe comment out that functionality, but could be added back in. I'm sure a full image is possible too.