MapKit copied to clipboard
Cordova MapKit plugin
Not so maintained. Checkout
MapKit plugin for iOS and Android
Uses Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps v2 on Android
Currently only works/tested on Android and iOS. Requires Cordova 3.0+ (will not work on earlier versions without modifications).
Android specific
You need a Google Maps Android v2 API KEY from google and you need to specify it when you install the plugin
You can install this plugin with plugman
plugman install --platform android --project android-mapkit-example/ --plugin /path/to/MapKit --variable API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_GOOGLE"
or with cordova CLI
cordova -d plugin add /path/to/MapKit --variable API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_GOOGLE"
(/path/to/MapKit could be the git repository
Follow the instructions that are displayed after you install the plugin.
Sample code
var app = {
showMap: function() {
var pins = [
lat: 49.28115,
lon: -123.10450,
title: "A Cool Title",
snippet: "A Really Cool Snippet",
icon: mapKit.iconColors.HUE_ROSE
lat: 49.27503,
lon: -123.12138,
title: "A Cool Title, with no Snippet",
icon: {
type: "asset",
resource: "www/img/logo.png", //an image in the asset directory
pinColor: mapKit.iconColors.HUE_VIOLET //iOS only
lat: 49.28286,
lon: -123.11891,
title: "Awesome Title",
snippet: "Awesome Snippet",
icon: mapKit.iconColors.HUE_GREEN
var error = function() {
var success = function() {
mapKit.addMapPins(pins, function() {
console.log('adMapPins success');
function() { console.log('error'); });
mapKit.showMap(success, error);
hideMap: function() {
var success = function() {
console.log('Map hidden');
var error = function() {
mapKit.hideMap(success, error);
clearMapPins: function() {
var success = function() {
console.log('Map Pins cleared!');
var error = function() {
mapKit.clearMapPins(success, error);
changeMapType: function() {
var success = function() {
console.log('Map Type Changed');
var error = function() {
mapKit.changeMapType(mapKit.mapType.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE, success, error);
You can override the options by passing a suitable options object as arguments to showMap
var options = {
height: 460, // height of the map (width is always full size for now)
diameter: 1000, // unused for now
atBottom: true, // bottom or top of the webview
lat: 49.281468, // initial camera position latitude
lon: -123.104446 // initial camera position latitude
Sample App
Checkout the sample/ application as a boilerplate!
Missing features
Info bubbles: Simple info bubbles supported (title, snippet and custom icons for markers). Custom info bubbles not supported (i.e HTML bubbles etc..).
Credits for iOS
- Brett Rudd @goya
- Becky Gibson @becka11y