Dhruva Chandra
Dhruva Chandra
I tried the same thing with following changes: * disabled ssl redirects * disabled non-standard ingressClass name ie `--providers.kubernetesingress.ingressclass=traefikv2` * added more logging information: `- "--accesslog.fields.headers.names.RequestAddr=keep"` * updated dashboard ingressRoute...
Hi @MRostanski , the reason why I have used `traefikv2` as ingress class is that we have `traefik` as an ingress class already present and we want to upgrade traefik...
@SantoDE I tried without `- "--api.insecure=true"` and I am very certain that it is required since not having that disables the entire dashboard - not even the port-forward from the...
@SantoDE maybe I am doing something stupid - but I have tried this ingressRoute and it is not working for me/my configuration. I have tried this with `entryPoint` set as...
> Maybe use `{{-range $_, $file := {{ exec "sh" (array "-c" "echo rules/&yaml") | splitList " " }}{{$bytes := readFile $file }}...`? > > Not sure if it works...