Brian Stack
Brian Stack
You can see [here]( how to make custom linters and highlighters for codemirror wrapped in react-codemirror. If you decide to pick up this project, we can talk then about the...
Things noted by @tomprince: 1. `TransformSequence` in `taskcluster/src/transforms/` is not necessary 2. We should also change `basestring` to `six.text_type` wherever used 3. Consider using level-1 vs level-3 to keep decision...
I often want to start a completely new search. At the moment this requires manually clearing out all fields in the search area. This could be easily improved with a...
Upon starting a new partify, all is well. Eventuall though, after an as of yet undetermined amount of time, the party queue stops updating. In addition the now playing becomes...
It would be nice if the admin could set a string that would be displayed on the login screen or at the top of the player. Not necessarily a status...
This would be useful for indicating ranges where values are acceptable or dangerous. Ideally these could be colored by the user to indicate their meaning. One option is to allow...
In Aurora and standard release Firefox, scrolling the mouse is rather jittery compared to Chrome. This could just be Chrome having a faster js engine, but perhaps there is something...
The library should be updated or check to see if Firefox will natively support the range element before the Mutation Event is deprecated. `[01:36:53.373] Use of Mutation Events is deprecated....
At this time, we use sqlite as our only datastore. This should be up to whoever is using the software and able to change in different environments.
It would be useful to be able to display two related groups of data-sources on the same graph where each group has a different magnitude. This can be achieved with...