Hello, ``` -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- -- MHcCAQEEIC4FhRijqobFJXcyojcPZX88sDtHgzp5ydmSgv1PqIlvoAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAEWLHm0TLYaTzENpPkBl2E79ySqJI+EW51VpoWh7wqY3OjSJcft4zg EeNeHYEb/T2jBFH4eYg4iSN7D/VYaJxJRA== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY----- ```
Hello, when I run Neuzz it stuck like this: (on the Python module, I have connected by neuzz execution moduel ('', 56218)) ``` num_index 4096 7505 small 2048 medium 4096...
When I want to compile it with make, I get this error `[_ZN6google8protobuf8internal20RepeatedPtrFieldBase9MergeFromINS0_16RepeatedPtrFieldIN7bbtrace4EdgeEE11TypeHandlerEEEvRKS2_]+0x64): undefined reference to google::protobuf::internal::LogMessage::operator
Hello, There is a chance for SQL injection [here]( In `getArtists_json` function, parameter name is `sSearch`. Best, Iman
I have copied my target files into the queue folder but it seems that AFL ignores my files. Is there anything that I can do to solve this problem?