Ankit Goyal

Results 11 comments of Ankit Goyal

Hi, in case you are still facing this issue, we have released pretrained models and various evaluation details here: Hope you find it useful.

Hi, we have released pretrained models and evaluation details here: You might find them useful.

@erikwijmans Thanks for the implementation. @LiuNull @erikwijmans Were you able to replicate the results in the paper? I just wanted to make sure so as to have fair benchmarking? thanks

Hi, pointnet2_pyt comes from an earlier version of the following repository: For installing within the SimpleView repository, I would recommend closely following the instructions on our repository. Specifically, ![Screen...

Hello, Thanks for your interest in our work. Unfortunately, we have not analyzed the implmenetation by Pritam-N so we cannot comment on it. Although a 5s average speed seems to...

We use the nccl backend with PyTorch to parallelize the stream while inference (testing). For training, we use usual distributed setup.

Yes if you want to do the multi-GPU inference. Otherwise, you can also do single gpu inference but it will be slower.

Hi, Thanks for your interest in our work. I am not sure about the exact task you are taking about. However, I believe just like any other backbone network like...

Hi, Thanks for your interest in our work. 1. The shuffle code is simple mixing of the channels after concatenation (more info in #5). 2. As described in the paper,...

Hi, we don’t train models for segmentation.