Hiroo Imaki

Results 19 comments of Hiroo Imaki

It is going to be so easiy to bring 3D models to terria if we have this capability!

HI Nick. This is awesome and thank you so much for working on this!!! I tried the CARTO3 connection with our CARTO parnter account. I am getting a connection error....

Awesome! It is working now. Thank you!!

Thank you @nf-s !! Great work.

@nf-s "clampPolygonsToGround": false worked!!! Thank you for making this work. Best. Hiroo

@nf-s Is it possible to set clampPolygonsToGround = false as a default? I wanted to locally import KML files and overlay those in the 3D mode (not being clumped). What...

Hi @nf-s Thank you for looking into this. Your logic makes sense to me. Please let me know if I can test this new implementation.

@nf-s I tested 5 kml files with different altitude modes. - absolute - clump to ground - clump to seafloor - relative to ground - relative to seafloor Except relative...

I am going to just write some of our users requests. We are visualizing massive point cloud data and some of users wants to delineate forest management units based on...

@ljowen Sorry for my super slow response. I haven't checked your posting. In my case, the selected feature and clicked feature are far from each other. There was no latency...