Iman Khoshabi

Results 14 issues of Iman Khoshabi

You can just get crop coordinate details in ActivityResult Intent with these Keys : result.getExtras().getInt(Crop.KEY_CROP_X); result.getExtras().getInt(Crop.KEY_CROP_Y); result.getExtras().getInt(Crop.KEY_CROP_WIDTH); result.getExtras().getInt(Crop.KEY_CROP_HEIGHT);

Return Crop Coordinates (cropX,cropY,cropWidth,cropHeight) in Intent.

Hi. I'm using this action in the [fl_chart]( package. I wanted to use []( I added the `docs` directory at the root of my repository. But it failed because there...

Hi. I just added the [Flutter4Fun]( blog in the `Websites / Blogs` section.

i added this rule on my -dontwarn com.rey.material.** and then i got this error when i tried to make a release version : Warning:Exception while processing task java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:...

Hi. In the [fl_chart]( package I see people are asking for a customized chart. Currently, we use the Github gists with a commented image to demonstrate a customized chart sample...


# Current bug behavior When the FlameGame gets disposed (page closes), it should remove all components of itself (call `onRemove()` on all the sub-components to let them clear their resources)...


- [ ] LineChartSample11 is broken