On my 1997 MX-5 NA (later EU 1.6 model) the ISCV operates in reverse direction (more duty = less airflow). Selecting the Reverse option in Idle Settings works if using...
During warmup, as the WUE correction tapers down with engine approaching its normal operating temperature, one might like EGO control to engage before WUE reaches 100% (0% correction) to have...
After the addition of Deceleration Enleanment in the master firmware, TPSdot and MAPdot variables went from being single **byte**'s to **int16_t**'s. In the Secondary Serial code, they are casted to...
Is there a specific reason for bytes 37 and 90 of the live data to carry the exact same value, as per **cancomms.ino** code? `fullStatus[37] = currentStatus.idleLoad;` `fullStatus[90] = currentStatus.idleLoad;`...