Results 35 comments of Илья

> What do you think of switching to path-to-regexp ? I wrote a `serverMiddleware` which redirects using `path-to-regexp`:

@manniL Is there a solution to this?

I created my middleware for redirects: ``` js import { pathToRegexp, compile, parse } from 'path-to-regexp' const redirectsBackwardCompatibility = [ { from: '/article', to: '/library' }, { from: '/article/post/:slug', to:...

Good idea, I will do as time goes on.

Hi, thanks for the PR, but I need to clarify something so that I am sure that these changes are necessary. I don’t quite understand why you need a `getItems`...

Hi, thanks for the contribution, that's cool. But I'm not sure that this makes sense: what is the problem of getting `loading` value if you pass it as prop `:loading="myLoadingVal"`?...

I’ll look and think about it a bit later, I want to choose the best solution in this situation. Thanks for the description of the problem.

The `scrollItemsLimit` prop default to `20`. Perhaps this is the reason. I have not tried to do infinite scrolling in this component yet, but an interesting idea.

Hi, Lila. This is a really good suggestion for improvement. Thanks for the code provided, this will help a lot. In the future I will definitely do this as I...

I was my mistake, in fact it seems to work. I have another problem: the stacktrace in such an error looks very strange. I use souremaps, if an error occurs...