I think the above logs, don't tell much, more verbose logs or metrics would be required. We are posting our metrics with otel-collector, see below our node-id. If there are...
Yes the error continues to happen also on v4.6.0 and is the exact same panic message as on the previous version. I should add to the issue that I use...
staker-space dmx4WhyUDhAjsMf1mRD55qApjxnqSXcSsmweHgcv8seGkrN4R
That sounds good! Currently I think for democracy conviction is set to 0.1x, maybe we can fix this do 1x, so it's displayed and converted right. Further I think the...
> concerning the Note, the seller by submitting the proposal in the previous steps has already approved the sale. He/She had time to make his/her decision. What is the need...
Agreed, also decide what do with them for new selection. So if the bidding pallet queries the on-chain states again, it should come up with the same investors + the...