Would also love to see RMAN support, like an RMAN CRD with backup schedule und targets inside ... So I can get rid of those upcoming error messages about too...
Hello Andreas, Failover&Observer are already there - use the Data Guard feature if You want zero downtime patching and minimum downtime failover, or use pre-started containers for quicker cold failover,...
I too have the requirement to delete a PDB when it's kubernetes resource is deleted. Please add a parameter to the PDB resource like "drop-pdb-when-resource-deleted" so we can have a...
Hello Matteo, yes absolutely, the declarative approach of deleting the database/pdb on the CDB as soon as the kubernetes resource is deleted is what I desire :-) Exactly as You...
Found out that in cases I tested, I just was not patient enough. Database startup occurring, recovery perhaps, or patching. After a while, the database services DID register with the...
Patience is a virtue ...