
Results 697 comments of ildar170975

per-entity thresholds are here -

Could be a useful feature with this implementation:

Some notes from a duplicating 1. Graphs should be displayed in opposite Z-order: the last entity = bottommost, the 1st entity = topmost (as already concluded here). 2. There...

Unfortunately, there is no way to change an order to reversed (last entity = bottommost, the 1st entity = topmost) by card-mod. Elements in `svg` cannot be re-ordered by `z-index`....

Just curious - what happens if `color_thresholds_transition: hard` is added?

Here is a full list of device_classes with wrong icons (for others - icons are right): aqi carbon_dioxide carbon_monoxide current energy gas monetary nitrogen_dioxide nitrogen_monoxide nitrous_oxide ozone pm1 pm25 pm10...

Probably related to Is it required to hardcode icons for device_classes? Isn't it possible to "import" icons from somewhere? I think that default icons for device_classes are supposed...

The issue will be faster analysed if it is created properly. Here the code in unformatted and cannot be checked. Use triple "`" to format the code.

Could be a useful feature: use an attribute of a sensor as a time-scale.