Thank you for your reply in your busy schedule. When the host is not doing anything, can the VM be adjusted to no more than 50% or fixed at 50%?...
> > Thank you for your reply in your busy schedule. When the host is not doing anything, can the VM be adjusted to no more than 50% or fixed...
> > > > Thank you for your reply in your busy schedule. When the host is not doing anything, can the VM be adjusted to no more than 50%...
I have the same problem
same issue
> > So far, have you checked the Lora button in WebUI to see if your Lora is showing up there? After some investigation, it seems that all the .safetensors...
有是有加载到GPU,GPU显存利用的很少,对比了一下,cpu和gpu效率一样,也是神奇,感觉是没调好 video_scene_seg = pipeline(Tasks.movie_scene_segmentation, model='damo/cv_resnet50-bert_video-scene-segmentation_movienet', device='gpu')
> 镜像registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/modelscope-repo/modelscope:ubuntu22.04-cuda11.8.0-py310-torch2.1.0-tf2.14.0-1.10.0,推理时长在40s左右,显存占用11.5G。你这里可能是文件下载占用了大部分时间。 感谢你的回复,看样子并不像在下载文件占用的时间,执行下一个视频也需要这么长时间,这边是自己构建的环境,后续使用官方镜像试下