dlang-requests copied to clipboard
dlang http client library inspired by python-requests
I would like to suggest a generic high-level API that could be used for requests instead of getContent/postContent: ``` Response request(Args...)(HTTPMethod method, URL url, Args args); ``` basically it should...
when i use the basic requests sample code and try to statically link with `-static`: ``` dub/packages/requests-2.0.4/requests/.dub/build/std-release-linux.posix-x86_64-ldc_v1.28.1-511766A07FAC4178242690E353319A52/librequests.a(requests.ssl_adapter.o):ssl_adapter.d:function _D8requests11ssl_adapter24_sharedStaticCtor_L60_C1FZv: warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared...
Maybe dlang-requests should additionally wrap WinHTTP on Windows for not needing any dependencies like SSL. It can take the system proxy (if http_proxy is not set) and has a lot...
Both, libcurl and Vibe.d supports websocket. It would be great if you could add Websocket support to requests. - https://phpandmore.net/2015/02/17/implementing-web-sockets-with-curl/ - https://github.com/barbieri/barbieri-playground/blob/master/curl-websocket/curl-websocket.c
When performing a request to https://test.documents.azure.com the request fails with "Timeout receiving data". This only happens withe the "vibed" subconfiguration. Tested multiple other sites (such as httpbin.org), could only reproduce...
Please add the option to use windows ssl functionality in addition to openssl. There are two major benefits: - No need to copy / package openssl libraries - In case...
If the domain value of a cookie does not start with a . it will be added by the client. A cookie will be overwritten (or deleted) by a subsequent...
Just out of interest: do I remember correctly that you plan to implement HTTP/2? Do you have a public roadmap?
Giles Bathgate: This uri abstraction might be a useful sub component of these http libs: https://github.com/rikkimax/alphaPhobos/blob/master/source/std/experimental/uri.d
@JackStouffer correctly pointed out that [Python's requests](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) library should be a inspiration point (e.g. read the user testimonials for the reason). One important feature is automatic serialization which is quite...