
Results 29 comments of ikod

> FYI @ikod in case this affects ikod/dlang-requests. Hello Martin, No, dlang-requests do not use curl, so it can't be affected. Anyway, thanks for the info!

Hello @andre2007 It would be interesting. I never looked at websocket, so I have to investigate

Hello @andre2007 I looked a bit into this topic. Looks like websocket is essentially async protocol, it should use some event loop to operate. Right now I'm not sure how...

Hello @Domain, Thanks for report, will look a bit later.

Hello @Domain set-cookie processed in https://github.com/ikod/dlang-requests/blob/master/source/requests/http.d#L631 and as far as I can see it breaks https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.3 in that it do not strip leading dot away. ``` 5.2.3. The Domain Attribute...

@Domain I see, this should be fixed. It will take some time.

Hello, Is is possible to adapt windows ssl library (SecureChannel?) to solve this problem? It would be nice to add this functionality. I'm very weak with windows programming, so I...

> So for WinHTTP SSL is handled very easily. The function `WinHttpOpenRequest` is called with an SSL flag, like so: `WinHttpOpenRequest(hConnect, "METHOD"w.toUTF16z, "/route"w.toUTF16z, null, WINHTTP_NO_REFERER, WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES, WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE);` > > That...

Thanks @TransientResponse ! Then I think it is worth to try. Did you forked this repo in order to implement this feature?

> Well, my first implementation works and 11/12 unittests pass (unless dub is tricking me). The test that's failing is `package.d:80:__unittest_L29_C9 Check handling incomplete status line`, and the reason seems...