Daniil Khaninaev
Daniil Khaninaev
✸ Add intensity field from the Lidar topic into the generated PCD file. If you have topic messages with intensities from the lidar measurements, it will be added when you...
Hello! Thanks for this awesome framework! Could you advise please. How can achieve such accuracy of the outdoor map to have a single layer of ground (one surface) without doubled...
Hello! Thank you for the awesome project! Perhaps I have a slightly extraordinary request. I need to create a .pbstream file from the input bag file. I have a bag...
When I rotate a point cloud using mouse, the origin of the rotation is so far from point cloud. How to change the center of the rotation?
Hi! Thank you for this awesome project! I have added a new format support for removing dynamic points from clouds built with [**_hdl_graph_slam_**](https://github.com/koide3/hdl_graph_slam). New yaml file was added for hdl_graph_slam...
Hi! I applied for the dataset on the livox official website, but there has been no response. Could you please provide a way to get the data set? https://www.livoxtech.com/cn/dataset Thank...
Hi! I updated the lidar Livox TELE-15 with the special 1000 meters firmware - V07.11.0000 (MD5: 8DDD590745C34A01BF9472BB003AA0F5). The upgrade was finished successfully. But unfortunately there is no any changes with...
Hi! Thank you for this awesome project! Could please share .bag or .lvx file from README where you [were describing work and results](https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_scanner#6livox-tele-15-example) with Livox Tele-15? Thanks!
Hi, First of all, thank you for such a project. Let's get to the point. My system: - Jetson Orin NX 16Gb and AverMedia D131 Carrier board. - Jetpack 5.1.1...