Gerhard Klostermeier

Results 96 comments of Gerhard Klostermeier

I probably ran into the same issue. `Certipy` found two vulnerable templates (via Domain Computer enrollment) but I was not able to exploit them with ESC1. ``` [-] Got error...

Closed. Lack of feedback. If there any relevant news, feel free to reopen the issue.

Closed. Lack of feedback. If there any relevant news, feel free to reopen the issue.

Any news on this? Like I said, I think it is the driver/firmware of the phone. A lot of people have conflicting results with OnePlus devices. Some work with the...

Closed. Lack of feedback. Feel free to reopen this issue if you have new information.

Closed due too lack of feedback. Also, I was not able to reproduce it. Are there any other Galaxy Note 10 Lite users out there? Do you have the same...

Hi @webmagic86! Long time since I had a look into this, but today a had a bit of spare time and tried to reproduce it. I configured a card like...

Wow! What a find. Actually 2 finds! * There seem to be bug in the Access Condition decoder in MCT (for many years)! * The key `001122334455` is not part...

Hmm. After looking at the code, I can not see an error so far. The Access Condition decoder of MCT seem to be correct. Compared to the Proxmark3 decoder, it...