Gerhard Klostermeier

Results 96 comments of Gerhard Klostermeier

> Had my change been any more significant, I absolutely would have forked and opened a PR. The 'tweak' I made was on this line: > > changing the...

Yes, it seems like these caps (or other caps in the power circuit, if there are any) will keep the nRF52 powered way longer. I now have an oscilloscope and...

Don't get me wrong. I admire the goal to make GreatFET python 2 compatible. But what is about Python 2 will be out of support in 4 moth. Is...

Thanks Kate, I understand. Lets hope it will be soon. My Arch Linux already has gnuradio since they released it 2 weeks ago. ;)

Hi. Finally found some time to look at MCT's issue list. What a journey you had. Yes, lots of pitfalls. And yes, `enableReaderMode` is something completely different than foreground dispatching....

Thanks. Not sure if this is an issue here. I want to keep the Activity while the thread/runner is working. I will try to have a closer look. Hints/tips are...

Hmm, not sure. What device are you using? Are you sure you have the correct keys? Have you verified this with another reader (e.g. ACR 122u USB RFID reader). Do...

Really strange. Have you tried other apps like NXP's TagInfo. You can add custom keys there and check by doing a "Full Scan".

Even more strange. Reading false data seams really annoying. Reading no data and throwing an error would be way better to debug. But yes, I think it might be your...

Hi, yes, key `000000000000` was only used by the other program because there is no marker for *unknown data* if binary dumps. I don't know what your *host* is. Do...