Iman Kahbasi
Iman Kahbasi
I'd like to change all these "st1[0].stats.starttime" and etc to origin time of event. I made these changes in my local package and it's good. in template_gen(): and
> events are not strictly required for templates I can't understand your means. How can we make a template without any event? We need to an event and their phase-times...
What do you think about something like this? ``` if method=='sac_file': name = str(st[0].stats.statrtime) else: if[0].time=='': name = str(st[0].stats.statrtime) else: name = str([0].time) ``` And we can use some...
In this screenshot you can see the naming of files with trace's name. And it will be Worse in case of far epicentral distance. there is some change in trace's...
Thank you for your reply. When I ran this line in colab: `!pip uninstall Keras` The result is: ``` Looking in indexes:, Collecting keras==2.2.4 Downloading Keras-2.2.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (312 kB)...