Ian Stokes-Rees
Ian Stokes-Rees
This conda recipe allows cram to be built as a conda package that can become a dependency of other conda packages. It doesn't need to live in the cram source...
It would be great if this tool supported closed milestones in order to allow me to build retrospective views of milestones. I'm going to see if I can figure out...
I wanted to know why my conda environment wasn't getting created properly, so I used the `--verbose` flag on `anaconda-project run`. But then the `conda` command that is executed is...
It seems like it would make sense for `conda` and `anaconda-project` to have the same idea about how to name platforms. I think right now there is a mix of:...
It is possible that this is a Navigator issue for @chdoig to consider, however since it is most immediately part of Anaconda Project I thought it best to start with...
I followed the tutorial instructions starting here: https://enterprise-docs.continuum.io/en/latest/data-scientist/tutorials/create-projects-navigator.html I followed them to the letter. Some steps weren't clear. When I got to the end I didn't really know what I...
I have a 2.6MB file called `messages.json`. VisualJSON won't let me open it.
See here: http://holoviews.org/user_guide/Large_Data.html If it isn't possible to compare `dynspread` vs no `dynspread` in the docs then I'm not sure if it is worth putting it in. Maybe a sequence...
It would be nice to have an option to boost the data point size when the overall view occupancy is low. A quick look at an example like this makes...
See this screencast: http://screencast.com/t/7ltl4z9pK Resizing the window doesn't re-flow the content, it just expands outside of the view port. Going forward a slide and then back (at the "increased font...