"cabal-dev install" is complaining about a missing directory - see below for the exact error message. The background is I had trouble with a module that cabal-dev couldn't build, and...
If I go here: http://pgxn.org/dist/tds_fdw/ I get what looks like promising documentation with links for installing on various platforms and how to perform various actions, but the links are all...
I'm trying to install postgresql-libpq on Mac OS X 10.6.8. I get: ``` 00:06 [email protected]$ cabal install postgresql-libpq Resolving dependencies... [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /var/folders/Lh/LhVs9ls4Hme1jR+t1DJbm++++TQ/-Tmp-/postgresql-libpq-, /var/folders/Lh/LhVs9ls4Hme1jR+t1DJbm++++TQ/-Tmp-/postgresql-libpq- ) Linking...
I tried to do this in createcluster.conf: initdb_options = '--locale C --encoding UTF8 --data-checksums --auth-host=scram-sha-256 --auth-local=peer' But the generated pg_hba.conf still use md5 (my other settings come through nicely). Looking...
I was able to correct this by removing the stats_temp_directory setting from /usr/local/etc/postgresql-common/createcluster.conf. I'm not sure the best resolution of this; in the long run, I think it's clear stats_temp_directory...