I am newbie of QtAV. I want to change brightness, contrast, saturation of QImage using by QtAV API. QImage frameImage; freameImage.load("a.jpg"); QtAV::VideoFrame f(frameImage); QtAV::VideoFormat fmt(f.format()); QtAV::VideoFrameConverter conv; conv.setEq(brightness, contrast, saturation);...
Currently, only triangles such as obj and stl are output. Is it possible to support the mesh format of Medit that supports Hexa type? [hexahexa_2x2x2.txt](https://github.com/3DStuff/voxelizer/files/8579026/hexahexa_2x2x2.txt)
I am using mingw on msys2. I create a makefile with cmake, and there are too many errors during build. I can build it by modifying it one by one,...