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Realtime safe implementation of ROS2 in Java.

IHMC Java ROS 2 Communication

ROS2 messaging for Java.


This library builds on IHMC Pub Sub Group, an allocation free Java library for DDSI-RTPS messaging. It uses modified versions of rosidl utilities to convert .msg files into Java types.


  • Easy-to-use API for publishing and subscribing to ROS 2 topics
  • Allocation free modules for realtime support
  • Carries documentation from .msg files into Javadoc
  • Gradle task for .msg -> .java generation
  • Provided Java library for ROS common_interfaces, rcl_interfaces, and geometry2
  • ROS 2 .msg to ROS 1 .msg generation
  • ROS 2 ardent and bouncy compatibility


In your build.gradle:

compile group: "us.ihmc", name: "ihmc-ros2-library", version: ihmc-ros2-library // publish/subscribe API

compile group: "us.ihmc", name: "ros2-common-interfaces", version: ros2-common-interfaces // ROS2 common message library

compile group: "us.ihmc", name: "ros2-msg-to-pubsub-generator", version: ros2-msg-to-pubsub-generator // generator for .msg -> .java

IHMC ROS2 Library

This library provides a minimal implementation of a Ros2Node in Java. Two versions are available:

  • Ros2Node: Publishes in the same thread and uses direct callbacks for incoming messages.
  • RealtimeRos2Node: Stores outgoing and incoming messages in a queue and uses non-blocking calls to publish messages and allows polling for new messages.


PeriodicThreadSchedulerFactory threadFactory = SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX ? // realtime threads only work on linux
      new PeriodicRealtimeThreadSchedulerFactory(20) :           // see https://github.com/ihmcrobotics/ihmc-realtime
      new PeriodicNonRealtimeThreadSchedulerFactory();                   // to setup realtime threads
RealtimeRos2Node node = new RealtimeRos2Node(PubSubImplementation.FAST_RTPS, threadFactory, "NonRealtimeRos2PublishSubscribeExample", "/us/ihmc");
RealtimeRos2Publisher<Int64> publisher = node.createPublisher(new Int64PubSubType(), "/example", Ros2QosProfile.KEEP_HISTORY(3), 10);
RealtimeRos2Subscription<Int64> subscription = node.createQueuedSubscription(new Int64PubSubType(), "/example", Ros2QosProfile.KEEP_HISTORY(3), 10);

node.spin(); // start the realtime node thread

Int64 message = new Int64();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   System.out.println("Sending: " + message);

Int64 incomingMessage = new Int64();
while (!subscription.poll(incomingMessage))
   ; // just waiting for the first message
System.out.println("Receiving: " + incomingMessage); // first message
int i = 1;
while (i < 10)
   if (subscription.poll(incomingMessage))
      System.out.println("Receiving: " + incomingMessage);
      // no available messages
System.out.println("Received all messages!");


Environment Options

Environment Variable Description
ROS_DOMAIN_ID Set the ROS 2 domain ID to use (integer, 0-101)
ROS_DISABLE_SHARED_MEMORY_TRANSPORT Disable shared memory transport if set to true


The intermediate .idl files generated by this library are not valid to be used outside IHMC Pub/Sub.


Apache 2.0

Maintainer Notes

See docs/Making a release.md