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Adds cute bloat.
Is there a way to hide post and file count in catalog mode when a thread has no replies, just like the default official catalog? I was used to the...
Is it possible to add an option to hide posts by ID, as opposed to filtering? Hiding can be done/undone easily without having to refresh the thread, and one can...
In the original catalog if you hover over a thread it displays a tooltip with the poster's name, thread age, time of last reply and poster's flag (some boards). Is...
Can something like this be implemented? Fetching all posts that were deleted before opening a thread, looking for them in their respective archiver (if any) and replace them in their...
Add a countdown to the time when the currently loaded captcha will refresh, maybe at the top right corner of the captcha section. This would remove a lot of the...
Save a copy of the 4chanX settings to a gist.github.com page upon change. Check for changes to the file when opening 4chanX and apply any changes. Would be useful for...
also is there a way to display the "show hidden" link while in catalog? The only way to check filtered threads is going to the old 4chan catalog
I've always had problems with cooldowns and I would just go into about:config to reset them, but as of this morning they're mysteriously missing and I can't track down where...
After reporting a post the report windows is supposed to close itself but it doesn't.